Resources list around Blender

Resources around Blender.

Are you new to Blender? Or you just want to discover new channels, discord communities or sites? This article is made for you, I will try to gather here an agglomeration of links that I consider useful. This page will be updated (I hope) in the future as I discover new things. Feel free to add new links in the comments section below.

The main

Official website :
Forums :
Blog :
Other networks :

List of lists

Others before me have already made lists, and much better sorted / exhaustive than me if you really want a lot of content, I can only recommend you to go take a look at these lists.

  • Blender Bible : A very long list of tutorials classified by theme.
  • Ressources from Creativeshrimp : How can we not mention Gleb Alexandrov's list? You will find software, blogs, forums, sites, etc. The list is a bit old for some links.
  • Blender-addons : A list of blender addons.
  • There is also this topic which references a lot of interesting links.


Here I will reference several discords without necessarily being related to blender. Discord has a lot of communities and the possibility of chat or voice, or simply sharing images/files easily make its use very satisfying.